Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction Site for Second-stage 10 000 Flats in Hwasong Area near Completion

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction Site for
Second-stage 10 000 Flats in Hwasong Area near Completion
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the
Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and president of the State Affairs of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), on Friday inspected the
construction site for 10 000 flats at the second stage in the Hwasong area
nearing completion.
Accompanying him were leading officials of the WPK Central Committee.
Kim Jong Un was greeted on the spot by Kim Jong Gwan, first vice-
minister of National Defence, Pak Hun, vice-premier of the Cabinet, and
senior officials of the designing institutions and construction units involved
in the construction of 10 000 flats.
The architectural groups of 10 000 flats at the second-stage in the Hwasong
area with a more excellent appearance are nearing completion in the great
golden age of construction, when flourishing living spaces, symbolic of the
comprehensive development era of a thriving nation, are created every year
in the capital city of Pyongyang, the political, economic and cultural center
of socialist Korea, thanks to the grandiose strategy of the Party Central
Committee for developing the capital city and its stubborn guidance.
With his great ambition to turn Pyongyang, the capital of revolution, into a
world-class ideal city of the people, the greatest city, Kim Jong Un unfolded
a grand blueprint for the capital city construction with his rare wisdom and
distinguished leadership and has made ceaseless efforts to carry it into
practice. Saying that the housing construction in the capital city is a project
being accelerated by the Party and the state as the most important task to
realize their cherished desire and a promise made by the Party and the
government to the people, he has energetically guided the housing
construction, indicating the clear-cut orientation and ways for building the
second-stage district in the Hwasong area into a peculiar street with the
appearance of a modern city section and giving personal instructions on
plane, and elevation and layout of every apartment house.
Another magnificent new street for the people has appeared in a short span
of one year thanks to the intense loyalty and devoted efforts of the military
and civilian builders in the Hwasong area, who have performed miraculous
feats, creating a new construction speed and legendary tales after turning out
in the forefront of the capital city construction with a strong will and
revolutionary zeal to creditably ensure the promotion of people's well-being
and the eternal development of the capital city in practice.
Under the plan for 2023, the third year of the Five-Year Plan for Capital City
Construction set forth at the Eighth Congress of the WPK, apartment houses
of various forms for 10 000 families have been conveniently arranged in the
second-stage district of the Hwasong area covering an area of 80 hectares, in
harmony with public and service buildings and establishments, vividly
sustaining the Juche, national, modern and artistic character of architecture.
Kim Jong Un toured different parts of the construction site, learning in
detail about the project.
Enjoying the view of the new grand street lined up with modern apartment
houses, he expressed great pleasure, saying that the street is really
spectacular and another cradle for the people's happiness has been built in
the Hwasong area.
Saying that the Party's idea on architectural aesthetics was thoroughly
applied in the second-stage housing construction in the Hwasong area and
that the apartment houses were well built in a distinctive way with the
unique charms and features of Korean style, assuming an aspect different
from the first-stage houses, he highly appreciated the feats of the builders
who have fully displayed loyalty to the Party and indomitable spirit after
courageously turning out in the grand construction struggle to lead our
people to civilization in the new era.
He pointed out some faults revealed in the building work and took measures
for rapidly correcting them. And he stressed the need to qualitatively and
perfectly finish the final process with a goal to complete the housing
construction at the highest level, impeccable even in the distant future, as it
is the most important undertaking for providing the people with beautiful
cradle of happiness.
He indicated the detailed orientation for the long-term plans on the third-
stage housing construction in the Hwasong area, started this year, and the
fourth-stage housing construction, slated for next year, and advanced major
principles that will serve as the guideline in turning the capital city better
into the cradle of the most beautiful socialist civilization and amazing
paradise for the people, and important tasks for implementing them.
Encouraged by his on-site guidance, all the officials and builders hardened
their resolve to uphold the WPK's idea on the Juche-oriented architecture
and policy on construction with perfect practical achievements at every
grand construction site in the capital city by turning out as one with rare
determination and the great efforts, deeply mindful of the trust of the Party
Central Committee that put them in the vanguard of the sacred struggle for
creating the people's happiness. -0-